Who can resist, the frisson of joy he brought to this project, with star and sun bursts, bold eclectic style mixes, neatly tied up with a ribbon of earthly branches and shells. Interior renderings marry two passions of mine, Art with interior design. I love to see the loose scrawl, the concept behind a finished living space and the personality of the person this room was to reflect. I can literally hear this room rocking!
Design history was launched with this famous library. It is worthy of being donated to a museum. Ten rich gleaming layers of oxblood lacquer were expertly applied with handsome brass trim, to transform a "Park Avenue French" room to a sleek 20th century space.
The dressy balloon shades are brought down to earth with a comfortable Chintz with strong lines, emphasizing the brass trim. As Gerald and I toured around his jaw dropping gallery, he was very generous with his intellect, sharing not only details, but opinion. I was delighted to turn a corner and see the beautiful interiors by his wife, Mita Corsini Bland,
The way Mita Corsini Bland draws us into the room, evokes the feeling that we are actual guests of Mrs. Astor's. This amazing series of watercolors, was commissioned for The collaborative design book: Sister Parish Design On Decorating, written by Susan Bartlett Crater, Mrs. Parish's granddaughter and Libby Cameron, Sister's last protege. These cultured yet practical designers, engage conversation, on the tradition of truly livable homes, with the illuminati of interiors. They are completely to blame for the lateness of our post!
Again, Mita Corsini Bland resists the temptation to record sweeping room views. I feel like we are just about to sit down on that comfortable green sofa with Miles Redd, visual genius and creator of this comfortable space. I love his quote in the living room discussion:
"There is perfection in imperfection. You want some things to be a little off. When things are perfect it feels like Disney World, in a way."
It is fun to see the whole room at a glance, and the warmth of perspective, in Mrs. Bland's art, conveys the soul of spaces within a room. We feel the fleeting moment. There is a rich tradition of interior renderings, that I've picked up since my happy (albeit boiling) journey to Gerald Bland's gallery.
Jeffrey Bilhuber demonstrates the art of mixing high and low with multiple era's. MCB does a beautiful vignette of this disparate, yet harmonious look showing luminous color combinations with raw woven textures.
Mark Hampton: The Art of Friendship,
by Duane Hampton, Harper Collins, 2001

In my next life, I am determined to marry the fabulous Mark Hampton or.... Jacques Pepin. This popular book is a cherished gift from my next door neighbor Margaret. I read it often with a smile on my face. This is Lee Radziwill's bedroom in England, decorated by the fabulous Renzo Mongiardino. I love the painted wood floor, a Sister Parish trademark.
Alexandre Serebryakov (1907-1994) painted this charming watercolor titled: Intérieur à Dytchey in 1948. Isn't that chair amazing, so coifed!
Here we have another Alexandre Serebryakov, via ArtNet. It commemorates the dining room of Mr. Lundberg. It was painted in 1944, and reminds me of the story of Sister Parish, boldly painting her in-laws ebony furniture, for her first house, to their complete astonishment--white! She decorated homes with confidence because of her travels and educated eye.
In our little corner of the interior design blogosphere, we are all great fans of all scribbles of Patricia Van Essche, aka PVE. She is an another encouraging big Sister to the new girls and boys, even though she is a member of the "in crowd." While she does wonderful renderings for J. McLaughlin clothing's historic and charming shops, she does energetic and charming drawings for numerous interior design, lifestyle blog banners. This is a tribute to Mrs. Blandings passion for yellow.
Here is a painting of a friend's stylish terrace, done as a party invitation. Speaking of parties, the picture below is my favorite.
I love an interior with the human element!
Thanks for coming to our party, we appreciate your visits, following, and comments!
All the Best, from our coterie,
Liz, Viive, Benji